Thursday, October 17, 2013


Revolution ( революция ) is when the earth goes around the sun one time. It takes 365 days, 1 year to go around.
Orbit ( орбита ) is the oval shape of earth going around the sun.
The ellipse ( эллипс )  is an oval shape of earth’s orbit.
When the earth’s axis ( ось ) moves to the side, it is tilted ( наклонной ).
Equinox ( равноденствие ) is half day and half night. 
The equator ( экватор ) is the line in the middle of earth.
Hemisphere ( полушарие ) is a half of the sphere and there are 2 sphere. 
Revolution is when the earth goes around the sun one time. It takes 365 days, 1 year to go around. Orbit is the oval shape of earth going around the sun. The ellipse is an oval shape of earth’s orbit. When the earth’s axis moves to the side, it is tilted.
Equinox is half day and half night. Equinox happens twice a year when Earth’s equator passes the center of the Sun. First one is fall equinox, it happens in September 22 or 23. It’s the first day of fall and beginning of the shortest period of sunlight at the Pole. In the northern hemisphere. The second one is the spring equinox, it happens on March 21 or 22. It is the first day of spring and beginning of a longest period of sunlight at the Pole. In the northern hemisphere. The equator is the line in the middle of earth; it separates the earth into 2 hemispheres. Hemisphere is a half of the sphere and there are 2 sphere. First one is northern sphere. Second one southern sphere.

Equinoxes jorge project from Kara MacDevitt on Vimeo.

Critical Thinking Question.
How is earth affected by movement ( revolution )?

The earth is affected by the revolution because it changes the seasons.

What did you enjoy most about this project and why?

I enjoyed the part where we take the video because     it was fun.

What was most challenging for you during this project and why?

Most challenging part when we had to write essay about our topic because it was the hard part.

What new skills did you learn from doing this project?

I learn to collaborate with people.

Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.

No, I don't want to change anything about my project because my project is good. 

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